Learning Disabilities

There are 1.5 million people with a learning disability in the UK

Connected Care technology such as telecare, assistive technology and telehealth can enable people with a learning disability to live with greater independence, choice and control, both at home and when out in the community.

Technology can make a difference to people with all kinds of learning disabilities, whether their difficulties are relatively mild or more profound and if they are living in formal care settings or more independently in the community.

From managing risks such as fires or falling, to aiding communication and helping to deliver greater privacy or dignity, technology can enable people to have more control over the way they live their lives.

As more is understood about learning disabilities it is clear that enabling technology has the potential to make a significant and positive difference to the lives of people with learning disabilities, and the ability of our health, housing and social care systems to manage their needs effectively.

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Product Catalogue

Tunstall has been developing pioneering health and care technology solutions for over 65 years. These are backed by advice, support and after sales services and a Customer Satisfaction Centre that is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

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Independent Living

We are committed to empowering people to maintain independence and support active, enriched lifestyles in their own home for as long as possible.

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