Gender Pay Gap

This report details Tunstall Healthcare UK’s gender pay gap for the 2021/2022 financial year. As required under the Equality Act 2010 (Gender Pay Gap Information) Regulations 2017, the information within this report covers the key required data points for the Tunstall Healthcare UK business as at 31 March 2022. 

While Tunstall Healthcare UK is not an official accredited Living Wage employer, we are committed to ensuring a base rate of pay that is equal to the real living wage.

A high proportion of our Manufacturing and Response Centre colleagues are covered by negotiated pay bargaining agreements under which all female colleagues are paid the same pay rate as their male colleagues.

The Figures

The following results represent the pay data for all employees of Tunstall Healthcare UK from the pay period of April 2022 for the mean and median pay calculations. The bonus calculations are based on the full year May 2021 to April 2022.

536 employees were eligible for inclusion in the calculation; 57.65% male and 42.35% female.

Mean (Average)
Median (Mid-Point)
Hourly Pay 30.00% 36.00%




Proportion receiving a bonus payment 60.35% 31.39%
Proportion not receiving a bonus payment 39.65% 48.06%
Proportion of employees in lower quartile 75.37% 24.63%
Proportion of employees in lower middle quartile 55.22% 44.78%
Proportion of employees in upper middle quartile 18.66% 81.34%
Proportion of employees in upper  quartile 20.15% 79.85%














Analysis of the 2022 Figures

After conducting a thorough review of salaries by job, we have determined that any gap is the result of the distribution of male and female colleagues, and not that of equal pay issues. However, we recognise there is still progress to be made in reducing the pay gap and we continue to be fully committed to addressing this in coming years. Our 2023 commitments (below) outline some of the actions we will take to advance our position as a diverse, equitable and inclusive employer.

In summary:

  • While the distribution of the genders across the quartiles is not equal, overall we do have an even split of male and female colleagues.
  • The gap is reducing, although this has been at a slower rate, we are confident our strategy will help us to evolve at a quicker pace in the future.
  • We have identified opportunities to diversify our talent acquisition in technology based roles where candidates tend to be predominately male. This is an industry challenge, and while not unique to Tunstall Healthcare UK, we take our responsibility seriously in challenging this and changing perceptions.
Our Progress and Commitments
2022 Progress
  • We communicated the 2021 gender pay gap figures to all Tunstall Healthcare UK colleagues.
  • We continued to evolve our senior level recruitment strategy to drive more diversity and to support our progress towards more balanced shortlisting.
  • We continue to work on applying formal job bandings with the goal of having a more structured reward framework in the future.
Our 2023 Commitments
  • We will increase our utilisation of the ‘Apprenticeship Levy’ to offer existing colleagues opportunities to retrain, upskill or change their current role.
  • We will be actively supporting the ‘Women in Tech’ campaign by working with local universities and colleges to encourage younger females to embark on a rewarding career in the technology industry.
  • We will review our ‘family friendly’ policies, looking at maternity leave and pay entitlements, as well as reviewing opportunities to offer further flexible working options such as job sharing, more part time roles and term-time contracts.



View our previous years reports below: