Device Security Vulnerability Disclosure Policy

Product Development – Commitment to Security and Product Integrity

Tunstall remains committed to designing and producing products that are secure, behave as expected and do not permit the bypassing of security controls or the exposure of sensitive information.

Nevertheless, it is recognised that it is possible that unknown vulnerabilities may be uncovered during the life-cycle of a supported device.

This policy sets out Tunstall’s intention to actively seek information regarding any identified vulnerability to ensure it is removed or mitigated before it is actively exploited.

Tunstall will investigate and where practical address any issues reported to the company.

Reporting or Obtaining Support for a Suspected Security Vulnerability

Individuals or organisations that are experiencing a product security issue are strongly encouraged to contact Tunstall.

Tunstall welcomes reports from all interested parties including independent researchers, partner organisations, customers, and anyone concerned with security.

The minimal data needed for reporting a security issue is a description of the potential vulnerability and contact details so that a dialogue can be established.

Please contact Tunstall (UK) Ltd using one of the following methods.

Contact Tunstall


Telephone: 01977 660204